半貓半兔的她,一直在地上用手指發功! 不經不覺鍾情於手作已過了六個年頭! 熱愛甜品的美麗外型,很想每天都沉醉於甜品的世界! 雪糕半溶狀態是最美的! 現努力實現把甜品飾物放在身上的理想,希望天天都可以與Yummy為伴!
不定期有更新課程, 請留意Facebook 更新!
Catrabbit was born in the sky, she is a emotional 50% Kitty + 50% Bunny.
She use her finger to make a miniature over 6 years!
She love Sweet things and Dessert!
Always want to catch the best moment for Melting ice-cream!
She want to make her dream happen which stay in Yummy world everyday.
Now she to be a teacher for workshop and sell her treasures jewelry in flea market sometime.
Just want you love the miniature food world!
Welcome to the “Catrabbitsky!”

We will have different lesson and update on Facebook, pls come to visit when you feel free. Thanks!